It’s that time of year again when everyone is setting out New Year’s Resolutions and unfortunately it won’t be long till a majority of people start breaking them. There are many reasons why New Year Resolutions don’t stick- they may be unrealistic, there is a lack of self-discipline or life gets “too busy”. Our New Year resolution is all about you and what we can do to make 2015 a healthy and pain-free year for you. Our goal is not only to maintain but also to improve the high standard of care you’ve experienced with us.
As part of our resolution, we are going to teach you how to live a healthy, pain-free life. Your success is ours, and we are committed to your health and well-being.
In many cases, there is more than one factor contributing to your pain, especially if it is recurrent or has been there for a long time. Often getting rid of your pain is the easy part. Stopping it from coming back is the real challenge. We provide you with lasting freedom from pain, so your treatment program will include specific techniques and exercises that correct the underlying cause of your problems, not just give you temporary relief.
Chiropractic care is valuable for you and is valuable for your children. Kids are natural explorers – they run, jump, climb things, fall down, and bounce around. Kids are resilient – this ability to recover quickly is one of the great benefits of being very young. Occasionally, one of these activity-related injuries impacts a child’s spine. Nothing obvious has happened and nothing hurts. But there may be subtle injuries to spinal muscles and spinal ligaments that have a long-term effect on spinal nerve function.
The New You
Chiropractic uses safe and gentle, scientific methods for the relief of pain, spinal misalignment and nerve irritation. It is also effective in addressing many sports related injuries, like sprains and strains. If prevention sounds like a better idea, chiropractic also helps to keep your body functioning at its best.
Regular chiropractic checkups help keeps you in tip-top shape. Those who are active, have stressful lives or want to be their very best, find that a schedule of preventative visits is helpful in the maintenance of good health and for keeping your body functioning at its best.
Now it’s your turn to make 2015 a healthy and pain-free year!