Archive by Author

Knee Pain

With today’s increasingly active society, the number of knee problems is increasing. Knee pain has a wide variety of specific causes and treatments. The knee joint’s main function is to bend, straighten, and bear the weight of the body, along with the ankles and hips. The knee, more than just a simple hinged joint, however, […]

Wall Stretch

Find a wall and stand a few inches away. With one foot, put your toes on the wall, keeping your heel on the floor, and flex. Hold for about 10-15 seconds, then alternate with your other foot. You can also do this stretch using a curb or step and hanging your heels off the ledge.


Healthy skin is one of the excellent side effects of eating carrots. Carrot’s vitamin A can protect our skin from sun damage, prevents it to become dry and cracked, removes premature wrinkles, acne, pigmentation, blemishes and uneven skin tones.

World Spine Day -Your Back in Action

World Spine Day is a great opportunity to shine light on spinal disorders and encourage you to take steps to better health. This year the theme is ‘Your Back in Action’, emphasising the importance of healthy spinal posture and activity which promotes body awareness and minimises the day-to-day wear and tear on the spine. Millions […]

Hip Rotation Stretch

Place your feet slightly apart, and hands on hips. Raise your knee-bent leg. Perform knee rotation to the right and to the left. Change the leg Do 10 repetitions for each leg


Not in an email, not on Twitter or Facebook, but really: laugh out loud. Whether you like watching Family Guy or Seinfeld reruns, if it gets you chuckling, it’s good for your heart. Research from the University of Maryland Medical Centre shows that laughter helps relieve the stress that damages the endothelium, the tissue that […]

Referred Pain

Chiropractors are routinely asked ‘What is referred pain?’ You might be experiencing what you assume are minor aches and pains. These could occur anywhere in multiple forms, from tingling pain down the arms or legs to soreness in the hips. Often, the source of these pains is the spine, even when the pain is elsewhere. […]

Upright Leg Stretch

Standing stretches can prep your body for more intense exercise. As part of your warm-up routine, these stretches will increase your heart rate faster than floor stretches. Try a leg-stretching exercise. Stand facing a wall. Slowly lift your left foot and bring your heel to your buttock. Grab hold of your left ankle with your […]

Sleep and Mental Health

Sleep and mental health are intimately linked. We all know that after a sleepless night we can feel a bit tired and irritable, but most of us can bounce back after a good night’s sleep. People who suffer from chronic sleep problems have more difficulty recognising and managing emotions, and are at double the risk […]

Tailbone Pain

Tailbone pain happens when there is an injury in the coccyx. This pain is also called coccyx pain. The tailbone or coccyx is located at the bottom part of the spinal column. It protrudes the most when you are sitting down. Falling is the most common way to sustain an injury to your tailbone. Many […]