Category Archives : Conditions

Ankle Sprain

Tradies have the highest number of injuries, musculoskeletal conditions, and other health and safety risks among any other profession. With every step, the shock is absorbed by the feet, knees, hips and spine to decrease the force of impact. Wearing the correct footwear will reduce these forces further whilst not affecting the normal function of […]


Arthritis is a major cause of disability and handicap in Australia affecting people of all ages and walks of life. Arthritis is not a single condition. Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joint. There are over 150 kinds of arthritis, all of which affect one or more joints in the body. The most common types […]

Blocked Ducts and Mastitis

Blocked ducts can occur whenever there is excessive compression of the ducts and restriction of milk flow. As the ducts are easily compressed, the compression does not need to be strong at all. The restricted milk can then ‘set’ and block the ducts. Any obstruction to normal breast drainage can be a factor in a […]

Coccyx Pain

The coccyx is the small triangular bone at the bottom of the spine, mostly found in humans and some primates. Some people call it simply as the tail bone. Coccyx pain or tailbone pain is a common musculoskeletal problem that can result from direct trauma, childbirth, or chronic biomechanical problems in the pelvis. It occurs […]

Diastasis Rectus Abdominis Muscles or DRAM

Diastasis Rectus Abdominis Muscles or DRAM is a common condition affecting women (particularly mothers) during childbearing months and postpartum. It is a condition in which the central muscle of the abdomen (the “six-pack” muscle) tears along its midline attachment. It is not a muscle tear or strain, but rather a connective tissue or “facial” separation […]

Disc Prolapse

Commonly called “herniated disc” or “ruptured disc” (or misleadingly called “slipped disc”), a disc prolapse is one of the common painful conditions of the spine. The spinal column is made up of a number of bones called vertebrae. Between these vertebrae are discs which prevent the bones from rubbing against each other during movement, and […]

Elbow Pain and Tennis Elbow

When the tendons of the elbow (lateral epicondyle) are injured, irritated, or inflamed, it becomes a condition labelled as tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis. It is a painful condition that is often felt in the area of the arm near the elbow and/or in the elbow itself. Tennis elbow is often caused by overuse, abuse, […]

Hip Pain and Groin Strain

Hip pain is a condition that originates from an injury or from a pre-existing condition. Yet, among many cases of hip pain, inflammation of the tendon in the pelvic area is the most common. Hip and groin pain can be related and they can be caused by a variety of muscle or joint problems in […]

Headache and Migraine

Because headaches are so common, most people think they are a normal part of life. However, a persistent headache is a sign that something is wrong. The continual use of pain medication to combat headaches is akin to removing the warning light that alerts you to a problem in your car. Medication doesn’t solve your […]

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITBS, is one of the most common causes of pain that is felt on the outside of the knee. It is mostly common in runners, hikers and cyclists, but any athlete who plays sports that require repeated knee flexion can find himself/herself dealing with IT Band pain. The Iliotibial Band is […]