Category Archives : Stretches

Stretch of the Month

Back Flexion Stretch Many back pain patients know the feeling of tension in the back, especially first thing in the morning. This Back Stretch can help bring back some suppleness and increase mobility, decreasing back pain and discomfort. While lying on one’s back, pull both knees to the chest while simultaneously flexing the head forward […]

Foot and Ankle Rotations

Move your foot and ankle in a circle as large as possible You should feel no more than a mild to moderate stretch. Repeat 10 – 20 times provided the exercise is pain-free. Don’t forget to do both directions

Achilles Stretch

Stand arms length away from a wall and with feet shoulder width apart. Place your right foot about 2 feet in front of your left. Keeping both heels flat on the ground, let both knees bend, you should feel like you are lowering yourself straight down. Remember to keep both heels flat on the floor. […]

Spine Stretch

Kneel on all fours, with your knees under hips and hands under shoulders. Don’t over-arch your lower back. Keep your neck long, your shoulders back and don’t lock your elbows. Slowly take your bottom backwards, maintaining the natural curve in the spine. Hold the stretch for one deep breath and return to the starting position. Repeat 8 to 10 times.

Shoulder Blades Stretch

Stretch the shoulder blades by having your child stand with his arms stretched out, parallel to the ground. Keep the palms facing backward with her thumbs toward the ground. Have her press her arms back as if squeezing a ball behind her back. She should continue to breathe normally throughout this exercise and hold for […]

Golf Flexibility Stretch

Position your feet shoulder width apart. With your arms extended and in front of you, lower your body by bending at the knees and raise back up. Repeat this 10 times. For a more advanced stretch stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your golf club at an arm’s length in front of you. […]

Groin Stretch

Sit up tall Place your heels together Let your knees drop out to your sides Pull your feet towards your groin You should feel a stretch in the insides of your thighs Hold 20 seconds Repeat 10 times.

Hip Stretch

The hips are another common problem area for people with arthritis. Get on your hands and knees on a mat or comfortable carpet. Extend one leg up and out behind you and hold it in that position for five seconds. Repeat five times with each leg.

Simple Shoulder Stretch

To release shoulder and neck tension, follow the steps below; Stand tall and slide your left hand down the left side of your body. Raise your right shoulder as your left lowers. Hold this for 10 seconds then stand straight again. Now slide your right hand down the right side of your body. Raise your […]

Calf Stretch

Start standing on one leg on a stair or curb, with your heel hanging off the back. Gently press your heel toward the ground until you feel a gentle pull along the back of your lower leg. Hold for 30 seconds. Then slowly bend your knee slightly, until you feel the stretch move lower on […]