Category Archives : Wellness

Simple Mindfulness Tip

Simple mindfulness techniques can help you manage stress and achieve more balance in your life. Set aside some time every day to practice deep breathing exercises. Focus on breathing deeply down into your tummy using your diaphragm to expand your lungs fully. This helps you to de-stress and promotes relaxation.

New Year, Healthier You

New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies: They’re fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain. Stop Making Excuses & Learn How to Be Healthy Get-in-shape goals tend to fizzle as early as the third week of January, per recent data based on Facebook searches. Yet some keep at it. What’s their secret? People […]

Memories at Christmas

No matter how stressful the food preparation or how difficult the relatives, remember the time you heard the bells on the sleigh. Remember the teeth marks in the carrot you left out for Santa’s reindeer, and how Santa always ate the piece of cake you placed for him on a saucer. Remember, how 1 year […]


Healthy skin is one of the excellent side effects of eating carrots. Carrot’s vitamin A can protect our skin from sun damage, prevents it to become dry and cracked, removes premature wrinkles, acne, pigmentation, blemishes and uneven skin tones.


Not in an email, not on Twitter or Facebook, but really: laugh out loud. Whether you like watching Family Guy or Seinfeld reruns, if it gets you chuckling, it’s good for your heart. Research from the University of Maryland Medical Centre shows that laughter helps relieve the stress that damages the endothelium, the tissue that […]

Sleep and Mental Health

Sleep and mental health are intimately linked. We all know that after a sleepless night we can feel a bit tired and irritable, but most of us can bounce back after a good night’s sleep. People who suffer from chronic sleep problems have more difficulty recognising and managing emotions, and are at double the risk […]

Get Outside!

Studies show that going outside each day has massive health benefits. Improving your short term memory, reduce stress, restore mental energy, improve concentration & increase vitamin D. So, what are you waiting for? Get Outside!

Add Spinach to Your Diet

Aside from being rich in vitamin C, which is the number one vitamin that boosts immune function, Spinach is also packed with antioxidants and beta carotene that are significant in the infection-fighting capability of our immune system. You may add spinach to your smoothie ingredients or just lightly cook it when use in other dishes […]

Laughter is indeed the best medicine

It can relieve stress, boost your immune function, ease pain, burn calories, and improve your mood. To bring more laughter in your life, indulge in funny activities such as watching funny movies, being with funny people, and spend time with kids!

Puppy Love

If their wagging tail and heart-warming company wasn’t enough to encourage you to get a dog, take heed of research that shows canines actually keep us healthier and help us live longer — no matter how old you are.