Category Archives : Wellness

Good friends contribute to your health and well-being.

Spending time with friends is fun, but it may also yield a multitude of long-term physical and emotional health benefits. Studies show that healthy relationships make aging more enjoyable, lessen grief, and provide camaraderie to help you reach personal goals, among other things. Maintaining positive relationships should rank up there with healthy eating and exercise […]

Arthritis and Food

When it comes to specific foods you should eat, an anti-inflammatory diet involves avoiding foods that make inflammation worse and eating plenty of foods that reduce inflammation. These following foods all help to reduce some aspect of inflammation include: Omega-3 fatty acids – Salmon, herring, mackerel (not king), sardines, anchovies, rainbow trout, oysters, eggs, flaxseed (ground [&helli...

Get More Sleep

What can help you feel more energized during the day, improve your mood and even help you lose weight? Sleep! The body repairs and regenerates during sleep. Even calcium is added to bones while you slumber. Getting adequate sleep is the best way to help your mind and body function at its best. Just as […]

New Year Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are a bit like babies, they’re fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain. Why not take the opportunity to set your mind on ways to live a full life. Here are some tips on how to develop challenging, lasting and meaningful goals for 2015. Start by asking yourself three questions: What […]

Why exercise makes you better at your job

President John F. Kennedy once said, “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” The same blood that runs through your body also runs through your mind. If you are sluggish and aren’t active in your daily life, […]

Get a Healthy Dose of Sunshine

Let the sun shine! Just remember moderation. Guidelines for vitamin D intake suggest that a little dab of sun will do you good. Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, muscles and overall health. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the best natural source of vitamin D, but it is also the main cause […]

What is Social Wellness?

Social Wellness is our ability to maintain healthy, supportive relationships with other people. Social Wellness is necessary for your well-being and longevity. Poor social health can result in sickness & disease. A social issue like loneliness caused by a poor support network may double your risk of death within any time period, at any age. Here […]

Natural Oils for Winter Skin

Natural oils are the ideal solution for winter skin problems. Not only do they provide moisture, but in their natural state, natural oils often contain anti-aging nutrients that can repair damaged skin and help prevent further damage. Some of these include: [su_list_fav] Coconut oil is probably the best known natural skin care oil. In addition […]

Be Pro-Active for Health in Winter

Being proactive about your health and wellbeing in winter will help ensure that you make it through the cooler months cold and flu-free, and in tip-top shape to enjoy the summer. Below are some tips: Keep exercising It’s hard to get motivated when it’s cold and dark, but your body has to work overtime to […]

Tips to cool down this Summer

Use your air conditioner. No air conditioning then put a bowl of ice in front of your fan. If you’re using a basic fan, this can greatly increase its effectiveness. Keep a spray bottle of water in the fridge. Spritzing yourself then provides a fast way to cool down.. Keep the curtains drawn. Keeping the […]