How do we mean by elderly? What used to be considered “old” at 60 is now only “senior” at 80. How many people can you think of who look as though they’re in their fifties, and then you discover they are well over 65 or even 70?
To find that you’re adding on the years can be a little daunting for some – but it doesn’t mean that you have to put up with the discomfort of aching backs, shoulders or limbs. What tends to happen though is that aching limbs and joints are often disregarded due to the “I’m just getting old” syndrome. Well, just because you may be adding a few years, is no reason to put up with pain or even discomfort.
Senior age groups often ask whether they can take advantage of chiropractic care and if it will help to alleviate problems with shoulder, hip and other joints without jeopardising themselves. The answer is a definite “yes”. There are a number of treatable conditions of the body as age increases; we just have to know precisely what the condition is and what is causing it. The first step is to ask the question to a chiropractor – if you don’t ask the question you will never know the answer. “Can you do anything for me?”is probably the simplest approach to your chiropractor. He or she will then be able to examine the facts of your individual circumstances, assess the pain and its causes and then tell you what, if anything, can be done for you. More often than not, regardless of your age, a remedy of care can be found for your specific condition. The result will invariably be greater mobility and your body’s ability to function better.
Many modern seniors tend to shy away from over-medication for pain relief, realising that through chiropractic care they are becoming pain-free and mobile to do the things they want to do, but without the fear of side-effects.
The concern that some have is in connection with chiropractic care and osteoporosis or other ailments – this doesn’t have to be a concern because, with the necessary modifications applied to the individual’s condition, chiropractic nurture is being applied on a regular basis to alleviate such conditions with no after side-effects. Indeed, many senior recipients of chiropractic care are consistently reporting freedom from pain and a remarkably improved mobility, coupled with a noticeable reduction in arthritic symptoms.