A subluxation is a condition wherein a vertebra or a region of the spine has lost its proper alignment and capacity for movement in relation to its neighbouring vertebrae. In short, this is when your spinal vertebrae are out of normal alignment. This creates a disturbance, irritation, tension, and pressure on the nerves in and around the area. This impedes nervous system function.
Since the nervous system controls and coordinates the body, subluxations can cause pain and dysfunction in the bodily systems. Left untreated, subluxations can negatively affect the whole health of the body.
Subluxation is another word for a slight dislocation, misalignment, or joint dysfunction of one or more of the spinal joints. It tends to irritate or aggravate the nerve roots coming from the spinal cord itself. The results of a subluxation may include pain, muscle changes, and organ dysfunction – depending on which nerves are being affected.
Causes of Subluxation
Causes of subluxations fall into three broad categories: physical, chemical, and emotional.
Any bodily trauma like, car accidents, falls, sports injuries, heavy lifting, surgery, or genetic weaknesses can cause physical subluxations. A repeated posture like leaning uncomfortably forward at a desk can factor into subluxation patterns. A difficult birthing process, for mother and child, is also a common cause.
When looking at root causes for chemical subluxations, we look to environmental factors and substances taken into the body, either through the lungs, skin, or digestive system. Habitual smoking, illegal and legal drug use, excessive use of alcohol, chronic dehydration, and poor nutrition, are some of the factors too.
Emotional subluxations originate from stress on the mind and body. This can range from something small, like the stresses from the daily grind to major emotional stressors, such losing a job or loved one. Uncontrolled stress is a major factor in the deterioration of health.
Lastly, though subluxations create trauma on the body’s nervous system, not all of them are painful. Sometimes, the body becomes so accustomed to dealing with the nerve interference, that it goes unnoticed by the patient. But, pain isn’t the only message our body sends us. Other indicators like digestive upsets, headaches, low energy level, depression, trouble sleeping, trouble breathing, and neck pain can also indicate subluxations present in the body. A few simple tests can determine if and where you are subluxated. The focus should be on the discovery and correction of these subluxations before they permanently damage the body.